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  1. 73834

    Debbie Rhodes

    My new Fave! Feel Amazing! Comes on real fast and ittle goes a long way. Nice lingering chocolate after-taste, feeling totally relaxed, could melt into sofa. Can still function ok to! Relaxed, and great feeling of Giggly, Happy, Tingly.

  2. 80085

    Etienne Chiasson

    just insane,first time i order live resine for sure not my last time,this one great taste and smelt i love it ,nice job BW...

  3. 72394

    Kelly Michaluk

    This one is very relaxing, so get some snacks and find a good movie. You’ll need the snack! Loved the nutty fruit favour. Also helps with my pain. Also had the Craft Slurricane you had and knew it wouldn’t last long. It is so good in every way for me. Thank You for getting the best.

  4. 86446

    Kelly Michaluk

    Love this one too. I have cancer and it helped me eat more and be more active. Smoke two, eat for a bit after and have a great night sleep. This bud reminds me more of a Sativa from the form of the buds to the high at first toke. Good job Tyson Farms.

  5. 25249

    Kelly Michaluk

    Amazing bud. Everything they say about it is so right on. Very smooth and tasty. Able to do everything unless you smoke to much, than great night sleep. Loved it.

  6. 91728

    Josh Van Viegan

    Love the smell. It legit smells like blueberry.

  7. 84544


    Nice smoke Premium Afghain Gold Seal Hash Good Buzz 1 hour now i'am a long time smoker must say they have great deals on all types of Hash. Thanks, TDS

  8. 89407


    This is a good price for Camel hash, love the texture, all grainy and pull apart. This is some of the better quality gear, never a complaint here.

  9. 79367


    This is the first time trying this product and I'm glad I did. I get a proper stone from this one and it goes down easy. Good smell, structure, taste and effect. Hands down some of the most enjoyable I've ever had.

  10. 84784


    Looks just like the pics, a sweet little tin packed with quality kief. Good taste, extra smooth and very expansive smoke; so good in a pipe and very satisfying effect. I'm going to try another.

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