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Christopher Mercer –
This is now my favorite strain! A nice 23% THC. It does have heavy couch lock and heavy munchies but tastes and smells amazing. The high is strong and lasts for a long time. Indica lovers need to try this awesome bud, Sweet Tuna is a top shelf strain.
troubleowens –
really nice tasting weed. good solid head hitting buzz
Blaine Solomon –
Wow. Holy shit. Wow. This stuff is better than sex(almost haha)! I’ve tried a few other types of budder before getting this one…and this is on sale. Definitely worth it!
Dewey Cooke –
The more you smoke, the more you feel like a rockstar. The best thing about this strain is that you do not feel a burnout. You dont get tired from this but you will be lifted
Joe Richardson –
These nugs are dense and packed with trichomes with a buzz thats so strong, fast acting and long lasting.
Matthew Baker –
First time smoking peach cobbler, I shouldn't have loaded such a fat bowl. I got couch lock quick and couldn't move for about an hour, but its still the best body high I've had.
Ayomide Penn –
I suffer from stiffness and pain all over and when you find the right one it's magic. My back pain is gone, the rushing, and hurried worried pace has finally been broken! I call this relaxed. Which is all I ever wanted!
Wilson Scott –
Nice bud, pretty well-balanced between sativa and indica side (a little more on the indica)and fitting for any day and night time. Cheesy popcorn taste and smell with la few skunk elements. It turned me back onto cannabis. For the longest time I could not find any Joy or sensation of weed then I got a hold of this stuff and it brought me right back to cannabis usage. It's 100% my favourite it also has an amazing feel!
Jaylan Devine –
I found this a very easy to smoke strain. Easy on the lungs and the flavour was good. The High was a nice even mix, but it was the calming effect on the stomach that makes this strain a must try. The buds were frosty and stinky like diesel would be.
Rivka Shields –
I have to give Zombie OG its props. I really love my indicas and this one is one of my top favourites. As soon as you put it down you feel it right behind the eye's. The body melts into the sofa like Its Xanax high, or a zombie. Haha!!