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Share your experience by leaving a review of each product. All product reviews will show here for the community.
Alexander –
Feeling it in the chest, dry mouth but a great trip. Hits like a slow moving truck and then you’re wondering where the last few minutes went. A nice option before bed.
Norris –
Tried it with a friend a few minutes ago, it was Sooooo Good!
JackSp –
Very potent, intense head and body sensation. One of my new favorites.
Gentry –
It’s a great way to unwind after a real busy day that won’t let your mind stop.
Peterson –
Best indica I’ve ever smoked. My body high is insane. I’m super relaxed. Kind of noise sensitive. My body feels heavy. Hard to walk and think cuz I’m so relaxed. Very hungry. Very euphoric. It’s awesome.
Hartenstein –
The high was delightful and relaxing, definitely a night time put you to sleep medication.
Hoodies –
Very nice! The aroma is strong and and mouth watering. smells like fresh ripe sweet fruit, the taste is awesome so delicious. smooth and easy on the tongue.
Rico –
Love smoking this before bed. No sleeping pills. One nice bowl pack and you’re good. Night, night, 💤💤💤 no sleeping pills.
Khyri Th –
This is one of the strongest strains I've ever tried! It's crazy. definitely be in a place where you won't have to move for hours!
Bazemore –
The high is uplifting and euphoric. It’s great for listening to music or having conversations with people.