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  1. 44381


    Standard High more relaxed then anything

  2. 61473


    I can't feel my face right now...,. ok..... this stuff is so gooo........ what the fuck was I saying? right, this stuff is so....... wait.. ... what?........ Am I alive?..... whoa.....

  3. 10798

    Grill bear

    Very nice taste. Very nice high.

  4. 52279


    Very easy to focus on a task and still enjoy your bud...Astroboy is a lovely strain!

  5. 12658


    This specific strain is the the perfect one to smoke if you are with friends, if youre in a depressive state of mind, or if just wanna vegg out on the couch and play a game. It gives a mellow, euphoric, energetic high. It gives a gentle fast high for both experienced and new smokers.

  6. 61733


    Strong and Buzzy feeling. Uplifted and numbing at the same time. Body is heavy but not sleepy.

  7. 61489


    Mellow, pleasant, not overly noticeable but I suppose that also depends on the grow.

  8. 24850


    keeps me nice and euphoric while keeping focused. favorit strain ever 🙂

  9. 11065


    Just smoke my first one and omg my mind is floating ❤️

  10. 399


    Great earthy aroma and taste, a bit too sativa-y for my personal taste

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