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  1. 36046


    This is one of my favorite strains. I have an anxiety disorder and can be pretty sensitive to certain strains. Some cause my anxiety to go through the roof.

  2. 59145


    Good stuff, but really common. In general this strain is really good for afternoons with friends, "no problems" mood, laughs and jokes.

  3. 40210


    I will always keep this strain on hand. The only strain that I've found that not only wipes out pain and fatigue, but also gives a boost of energy and euphoria. It holds its good reputation well.

  4. 12231


    No burn so I can smoke it all day. And I love that sweet and sour smell

  5. 19338


    It's a classic. A perfect 50/50 for mellowing out but very focusing and I had a huge smile on my face the whole time. All around one of the best strains. Tastes great as well

  6. 36531


    What's to say...Classic. Earthy taste but not hash like. uplifting buzz. Great daytime smoke

  7. 28093

    Stuart Amy

    A classic, strong in all the right ways, loads of crystal. creates beautiful offspring as well. highly recommended.

  8. 19160


    Very good high kept me at a steady high all day makes u sleepy and hungry and very dry eyed

  9. 9545

    Clarence S

    After trying this for the first time, it's one of my favorites. It really gave me about 2 hours of solid relief from severe leg pain. Awesome!

  10. 31465


    This was some of the best smoke I've ever had. Comes on slow then boom your in a trance so to speak. I could feel it move up my neck and tingle in ears. I love it. Taste ect and other scientific crap I dont evaluate but the high was GREAT

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