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  1. 49089

    Jonathan Bird

    Taste good, and hit good!

  2. 54104

    Jonathan Bird

    Completely agree with the other review, no weed taste! Very delicious, and comes with a suprise! Can it get any better?

  3. 53925


    this stuff is fire 100% recommend

  4. 25249


    Absolutely kill

  5. 56158


    Decent one time buy

  6. 54190


    Great smell and awesome taste and nice high

  7. 56167


    Alright. I think imma go to sleep. See ya guys tomorrow. Great strain. lollll

  8. 46157

    Wayne Bridge

    Very strong sedative effects. Worked well for my insomnia.

  9. 56850

    Cheatham Zylan

    I smoked some about 3hrs ago, and as I'm writing this I feel pretty energetic, Thumb up this strain

  10. 56199

    Clarkson Jordan

    your body becomes one with, whatever the hell you're sitting on. Deep body high for a night in with nothing in the world to do.

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