cannabis topicals

Cannabis topicals, also commonly referred to as balms, oils, resins, tinctures, and ointments are a great way to consume your favorite cannabis strain or hemp seed oil. They come in several forms and can be used both internally and externally. What are cannabis topicals? Topicals are an ideal way to enjoy your favorite strains of cannabis or hemp because they don’t contain any THC; they only contain the plant’s resin glands and terpenes. Unsurprisingly, the benefits of topicals are endless. From treating minor skin ailments to removing odors from your hands after gardening in warm weather, there are countless ways to use them. Read on to discover more about their uses and all the benefits that come with using them

What are the different types of cannabis topicals?

Cannabis topicals can be separated into two categories: infused and non-infused. Infused cannabis topicals are products that contain cannabinoids, terpenes, and other plant compounds. They can be used externally, or internally via vaping or eating. Non-infused cannabis topicals are products that don’t contain cannabinoids, terpenes, or other compounds from the cannabis plant. They can be used externally, but typically have a menthol or eucalyptus taste that makes them appealing for internal use via vaping. There are also “hybrid” topicals that are infused with cannabinoids and terpenes and “hybrid” topicals that are not infused with cannabinoids and terpenes. It’s important to know the difference between what’s inside and outside of your topical product.

Uses of Cannabis Topicals

Topicals are meant to be applied directly to your skin, so they’re especially great for minor ailments, like minor bug bites, cuts, and bruises. They can also be used to treat eczema, psoriasis, and minor skin infections, like impetigo. For many people, topical cannabis is the perfect choice for treating their anxiety and depression. The feel-good effects of cannabinoids are well-known, and topicals are one of the best ways to reap these benefits. Topicals can also be used to manage minor health conditions, like athlete’s foot, varicose veins, and hemorrhoids. They can also be used for acne and rosacea, though too much use of rosacea-focused products can lead to redness and irritation in more sensitive skin types.

Benefits of Cannabis Topicals

  • Treatment for Anxiety and Depression: Topicals are one of the few ways to reap the therapeutic benefits of cannabinoids without consuming them. While many people choose to ingest cannabis to reap the benefits of cannabinoids, others prefer not to consume it.
  • Hemorrhoids: Hemorrotic conditions are common in many older adults, and topical cannabis can be used to manage these conditions.
  • Athlete’s Foot: Topicals can be used to treat and prevent athlete’s foot. They’re also great for preventing this foot condition in the first place.
  • Psoriasis: Psoriasis is a common autoimmune condition that causes skin to become red and scaly. Topicals can often manage this condition.
  • Varicose Veins: Varicose veins are unsightly and can cause leg pain. Topicals can be used to treat and prevent these conditions.
  • Rosacea: Rosacea is a common skin condition that causes redness and flushing.

Side Effects of Cannabis Topicals

In general, side effects from cannabis topicals are minimal and similar to those experienced from using other natural products, like eucalyptus, menthol, and lavender. In some cases, people may experience a burning sensation when applying cannabis topicals. This is known as frosted tips and typically goes away after a few uses. There are also some cannabinoids, like THC, that are potent and can cause side effects, including dizziness, paranoia, and hallucinations. Always check the label before using any cannabis product, especially topicals, and be mindful of your surroundings while enjoying the effects. Some side effects are also common with all topical products, like dryness and irritation, so it’s important to follow a few basic rules, like moisturizing your skin before applying a topical and limiting your use to no more than twice a day.

Safety and Storage of Cannabis Topicals

When deciding which topical products to try, it’s important to remember that cannabis products are not regulated like pharmaceutical drugs. This means they’re not tested for potency or purity, and they can vary greatly in potency and concentration. In addition, there’s currently a lack of federal regulation around the sale and production of cannabis products. This means that the products you buy may not have been tested for contaminants or potency at all stages of production, including cultivation and extraction. To help ensure the safety of your cannabis topicals, it’s important to follow a few basic rules, like keeping them out of the reach of children and out of the sun. It’s also a good idea to keep them away from heat, light, and moisture, as this will help to preserve their potency. If you store your topical products in a cool, dark place, you’ll ensure that they remain potent and free of bacteria, making it easier to use them as intended. It’s also important to keep them away from extreme heat and light, as this can damage and degrade their potency.

Tips for Creating Your Own Cannabis Topical

When creating your own cannabis topicals, it’s important to consider the ingredients that go into the product, including the cannabinoid and terpene profile. Make sure to choose a reputable brand with a clean, transparent label that lists all ingredients on the front panel. Look for a topical that is high in CBD and low in THC. This will ensure that you reap the most benefits from your topical, while still being able to function normally. Keep in mind that the effects of a topical will last much longer than inhaling THC, so be sure to plan ahead when creating your own topical. You can also try mixing two cannabinoid-rich topicals together to create your own custom blend. This is a fun way to experiment and see what works best for you.

Buy Concentrate Topical Online

Topicals are one of the best ways to consume the benefits of cannabinoids, like CBD, without consuming the cannabinoids themselves. They’re great for managing minor health conditions, like athlete’s foot and varicose veins, and for treating anxiety and depression. It’s important to follow a few basic rules when using topical products, like keeping them out of the reach of children and out of the sun. To buy the latest topical products, head over to and visit our selection of topical products!


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