how to store weed

When storing your weed, the conditions you keep it in can make or break its longevity. A little care and attention can go a long way to preserving your stash so it doesn’t begin to lose its freshness as soon as you place it away. After all, no one wants their weed to smell like old socks or mold after a few weeks of storage. And that’s why we’re here to give you the lowdown on how to store weed so it remains in peak condition for when you are ready to smoke again.

Dry Vs. Humid Storage

Humidity and temperature are two of the most important factors when it comes to storing weed. The levels of each in your storage environment will have a direct impact on how well your bud stays fresh. If you keep your weed in an environment that is too dry, it could quickly begin to lose its smell. Dry storage can also lead to your bud losing a significant amount of its THC, which is why it’s always a good idea to store your weed in an area with a more substantial humidity level. On the other end of the spectrum is too much humidity. This can lead to mold and other types of bacterial growth. And too much temperature fluctuation can also be damaging to your bud. When deciding how to store your bud, aim to keep its relative humidity level between 65-74%. Keeping it too wet or too dry can both cause damage, so avoid these extremes.

Keep Your weed In Dark Conditions

Make sure your weed is not exposed to light or heat while it is being stored. This could damage the cannabinoids in its bud. Keep your weed in dark areas like a dark cupboard or closet when possible. If you have to place it somewhere with a higher level of illumination, make sure it is out of the sunlight and away from any excessive heat. Keeping it in a dark area that is not too warm or too cold is important for storing your bud.

Avoid Extreme Temperature Changes

Buds are capable of surviving a few changes in temperature, but extreme fluctuations are not ideal for long-term storage. When you store your bud, make sure it does not go above 85°F and does not fall below 32°F. This will prevent your bud from experiencing any damage and ensuring that it stays as potent and aromatic as when you first placed it away. If you are storing your bud in a cool location with no heat or excessive air flow, it should stay right where you put it. Avoid storing your bud in locations that are extremely hot or extremely cold. Extreme temperature shifts can negatively affect the quality of your cannabis. If your bud and storage location are relatively cool, it will be okay if you put it somewhere warmer and then take it back again. However, extreme changes in temperature can be damaging.

Don’t Store Weed In An odoriferous environment

This may sound like a strange tip, but it’s actually a very important one when it comes to storing your weed. A lot of people think that storing their weed in a cool, dark environment with a higher humidity level will ensure the longest life for their bud. But this is actually a bad idea. If your bud is in a high humidity environment, it is more likely to develop mold and bacteria. This will cause it to lose its flavor and potency, as well as make it smell unpleasant. To avoid this, try to keep your bud out of an environment with a high level of humidity. This can be achieved by storing it in an airtight container out of the light or in a cool, dark place with a lower humidity level.

Wrap your weed Tightly to Maintain Freshness

One thing you can do when storing your weed is to wrap it in paper or aluminum foil and then put it in an airtight container. To prevent it from losing its freshness, seal the container tightly and then put it somewhere dark and cool. This is a great way to store your bud without exposing it to too much light, or too much humidity. You can also try using a vacuum-sealable bag when storing your weed. This will help prevent it from getting damaged from humidity or heat. The bag will also keep your weed from getting dust and dirt stuck to it, which can also damage your bud.

Always Label your package and bag it carefully

Labeling your package and container will help you identify what is in the bag if you ever need to use emergency weed-based medication. It will also help you to track the age of your bud. If you use a label that is easy to read, you can trace it back to the date you purchased it, as well as the amount you purchased. If you store your bud in an airtight container with a tight seal, it will stay fresh for a long time. If you don’t want to use an airtight container, though, make sure to label the package and bag so you know what is inside. This way, you can find out what to do if you need to use emergency weed-based medication.

Final Words

Storing weed is a vital part of cultivating a successful cannabis habit. It’s important to store your bud properly to ensure it lasts as long as possible. Follow these tips to ensure your bud stays fresh and potent as long as possible. If you keep these in mind, you will be well on your way to keeping your stash in perfect condition.


Spy – Here’s How to Properly Store your Cannabis Stash (Mar 9,2021) –

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