eating too many weed edibles

Whether you’re new to edibles or have an extensive collection, chances are you’ve probably eaten too much weed in the past. Like, way more than you bargained for. Once you start eating high doses of cannabis regularly and in large amounts, it’s not uncommon for your tolerance to increase until it feels like the only way you can feel anymore is by eating more of that delicious green stuff. If you find yourself frequently eating a lot of weed and experience some negative side effects as a result, then sooner rather than later, it’s time to get your dosage under control. Fortunately, there are several ways to reduce your intake while still enjoying a few puffs from time to time without ending up on a constant rollercoaster of ups and downs. Here’s everything you need to know about eating too much weed.

What is eating too many edibles?

Eating a lot of edibles is when you consume a high dose of THC, CBD or other cannabinoids to get high, but instead of feeling that high, you end up feeling drowsy, nauseous or experiencing negative side effects as a result of overconsumption. Eating too much cannabis can happen to anyone, regardless of your experience level or tolerance level. It’s completely normal to feel uncomfortable when you consume a large amount of cannabinoids, but if you suffer from symptoms like bad headaches, nausea, dizziness, anxiety, or diarrhea more than once a month, then you may be overeating. Eating too much marijuana is not the same as eating a handful of Sour Patch Kids. If you’ve consumed a lot of edibles and end up feeling awful because you ate too much, then don’t beat yourself up. Rather than trying to “beat” yourself or think you “should” be able to handle consuming more, try taking a few deep breaths, calm down and be patient with yourself. It’s totally normal to feel a little overwhelmed when you eat too much cannabis, but you don’t have to be ashamed if this happens to you.

How to stop eating so many edibles

If you’re constantly overconsuming edibles or find yourself eating a certain amount just to feel normal, then the first step to recovering from eating too much cannabis is taking a close look at yourself and figuring out why you’re doing it. Eating too much cannabis doesn’t happen overnight, so it’s important to figure out what is behind your habit. Keep a food journal. If you’ve been eating too much cannabis, then it’s likely because you’ve become too dependent on it. Eating cannabis is a great way to ease your pain, but it’s important to remember that it’s a temporary pain reliever. If you consume too much weed regularly, you will become dependent on it and this can lead to harmful habits like binge-eating, binge-drinking, or even going on a constant rollercoaster of ups and downs in your sex life, relationship, or work. The number one way to cure your dependence on cannabis is to give it up altogether. If you need to eat a few grams of weed every few days or week to get through a bad day or a rough patch, then you are dependent on it and need to quit cold turkey. If you need to eat weed to get to sleep or to stay focused at work, then you are dependent on it.

Don’t eat edibles when you’re feeling stressed

If you find yourself going through periods of stress where you eat a lot of cannabis to soothe your nerves, then consider yourself warned. Consuming a high dose of cannabinoids when you’re feeling anxious or stressed can mess with your endocannabinoid system and put you at risk of becoming dependent on it. This can lead to bad habits like binging on cannabis when you’re not under pressure, as well as overuse of other substances like alcohol and pharmaceuticals. It’s also important to note that when you consume a lot of cannabis in this kind of state, you are putting yourself at risk of significant safety issues like an accident, a bad fall, or even a mental health crisis.

Exercise regularly and try adding some more protein to your diet

Exercising regularly is an excellent way to keep your mood elevated, relieve stress, and improve your sex life, but it’s also important to note that when you exercise, you tend to eat more protein and carbohydrates which have a tendency to make you feel more full than regular carbs do. The same goes for intense exercises like lifting weights, running, HIIT classes, or other high-intensity workouts. When you consume a lot of cannabinoids after working out, you are more likely to feel dizzy, anxious, nauseous, and guilty as a result of overconsumption. If you’ve been eating a lot of edibles after working out, then try adding some healthy fats like nuts, seeds, avocados, or olives to your diet. You can also try to add more protein-rich foods like lean protein, nuts, seeds, vegetables, or low-sugar fruits. You can also try to consume more fluids like water, sparkling water, or protein shakes to rehydrate yourself and avoid feeling bloated or experiencing cramps.

Try CBD instead of THC when you need a break from edibles

You’ve likely heard that CBD oil is a great way to get off THC, but what many people don’t realize is that you don’t need the most intense, high-THC oil to reap the benefits of this cannabinoid. CBD oil is a non-intoxicating compound made from hemp, and while some CBD oils are high in THC, you can find oils that contain trace amounts of cannabinoids that provide benefits without getting you too high. If you’ve been eating a lot of THC-rich edibles but want to switch up your high without completely changing your routine, try taking a CBD oil that still contains trace amounts of THC. This will provide you with a similar feeling of relaxation, while still allowing you to feel normal when you are not consuming cannabis.


Eating too much weed can be incredibly dangerous, but it’s also a common occurrence for those who regularly consume large amounts of cannabinoids. While it’s important to remember that you don’t have to consume a lot of weed to get high, it’s also important to remember that you don’t have to consume a lot of cannabis to experience the benefits of consuming cannabinoids. If you consume too much cannabis, keep a journal, try some of these tips, and work on reducing your intake, you’ll be able to get back on the right track before you find yourself in the hospital or in a dangerous situation due to overconsumption.


The Guardian – You’re Not Going to Die: How To Survive An Edible Marijuana Overdose (Nov 19, 2018) –

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