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  1. 9042

    Jim Derwish

    Sativa day smoke taste great

  2. 136719

    Jim Derwish

    Sticky pink type

  3. 75821

    Jim Derwish

    Nice little nugs did the job

  4. 9984

    Jim Derwish

    Gas town baby

  5. 87060

    Jim Derwish

    Really good sativa exotic taste

  6. 129642

    Jim Derwish

    Fire pink good for heavy smoke users

  7. 35553

    Jim Derwish

    Great gas night time cap

  8. 62595

    Jim Derwish

    Nice hybrid smoke is good

  9. 44368

    Jim Derwish

    Gassy gas’s night time !

  10. 66010

    Jim Derwish

    Incredible smoke good stuff

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