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  1. 100194

    Ayah Summers

    You gotta just love shatter which ever flavour it is but this one tops it fore me. Very decent shatter from Lit

  2. 101611

    Aleisha Bain

    Rocks a calm slightly euphoric mood that feels so refreshing melting all tension anxiety muscle aches away.

  3. 101614

    Keisha Person

    Excellent for pain and insomnia, not only getting to sleep but helping stay a sleep. This is my go to relaxation strain at the moment, really nice taking a toke after a hard days work to help wind down.

  4. 101605

    Roma Lees

    This has been a really a great strain for me ! I use it in the morning . Wake up , make coffee , sit on my balcony and watch the birds. Almost immediately after smoking this I am ready for my day! It helps me focus

  5. 101006

    Mohamed Simon

    Haven’t tried many strains but this is a good one. Constantly searching for the best sativa. Quiets the noise and no longer restless

  6. 101283

    Zaynab Knights

    Hands down the best strain I have ever smoked. The fruity after taste is great and very unexpected. very clean high with no negatives.

  7. 101027

    Rebecca Goodwin

    Its best suited for a lazy night at home after a long and stressful day. I thoroughly enjoyed my bud from here.

  8. 101286

    Esmae Corona

    This is probably my favourite strain ever and I have smoked many strains. The aroma is the most unique i have ever experienced in a strain and unlike many hybrids these days that prioritize taste and bag appeal, the high of this strain is extremely balanced.

  9. 101278

    Cormac Kaur

    Dense mint green buds had lots of golden amber pistils with lots of sugary crystal trichomes. Sweet earthy vanilla were the scents and flavours. Happy and uplifting followed by calm relaxation were the effects.

  10. 37178

    Stoney McBaked

    I've not tried anything from BWIB that hasn't been great..

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