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  1. 28007


    Hotboxed this strain nice kush to go chilling delicious flavor and I feel the indica domination . Nicest flavor

  2. 43466


    Perfect strain from morning to night great for pain and mood

  3. 1632


    very talkative type of high I get from this, I use it better when I know I'll have a social anxiety or when I have to be around a place I can socialize. I love it

  4. 3706


    All euphoric. Tastes very floral and has a sweet smell.

  5. 36046


    Love this strian right here nice clam high for me at least.

  6. 35873


    Great strain, super giggly and woke up in a great mood. It was weird, I have never felt so happy in years.

  7. 42678


    a lovely strain, little to no bad side effects, smells good, mellow and perfect for socializing

  8. 19338


    love this strain! great for my back n keeps me alert

  9. 12231


    Eyes stay white Hits ya like a truck Full fold for about 3 hours

  10. 42657


    perfect for cooking and then eat your own

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