getting high alone

Alone at home? Maybe you just don’t feel like company? The first few times this might not be a big deal. But when this becomes the norm and you are forced to spend time by yourself, it can get lonely and even more depressing. If only there was something to entertain ourselves with while we were alone or something to help us ease the pain of being alone. Luckily for us, weed makes it easy for us to stay entertained when we’re lonely and high. Let’s check out some things that you can do when you are high and alone:

Make Art On Weed

Everyone loves to create things when they’re high. Whether you want to paint or write, you’ll feel like you’ve finally found your true outlet when you are high and alone. You don’t have to be an artist to make art while high, you can draw or paint, play music, or create sculptures. Make sure to keep a journal and sketch, write poetry, or write poetry if you can write when you are high.

Playing Games While High

If you are looking for a way to pass the time, games can be a great option for you when you are high and alone. Plus you can be online with other people who are just as stoned. Games can be a great distraction for you when you are high, and they can also help relieve stress and anxiety.

Binge Watch TV shows

You might not be able to binge-watch all your favourite shows when you’re high and alone, but you can still catch up on some of your favourite TV shows. You can use this time to catch up on shows that you’ve been meaning to watch but haven’t had the time for while you were busy being a functioning member of society.

Make Food and Bake

Make food, and then consume it while you’re high. You don’t have to be creative when it comes to making food when you are high. The best thing to do is to make something that you know you’ll be able to eat because it’s not safe to drink while you’re stoned. Try your best to keep your baked goods safe when you’re high.

Creative Writing

Write, write, write! This may sound a bit corny, but you can use this time to write down everything that you want to remember about your life. Whether you write about your boyfriend or girlfriend, your best friend, an accomplishment you’ve made, or anything else, this is a great way to relieve stress and reflect on what you have.

Take a bath or shower

Depending on where you live and where you are when you decide to take a bath or shower while high, you risk being charged with public indecency, public urination, trespassing, or other charges. Some people may not even think about this risk but be aware of it, so you don’t get into trouble with the law. Take a bath when you feel like taking a bath and take a shower when you feel like taking a shower. You don’t have to do anything else while you’re in the bath or shower. Just let the water relax you.

Go for a walk or run

Go for a walk or run, go jogging where you live, go swimming in your local lake, river, or ocean, go hiking in the mountains, go rock climbing where you live, go hunting where you live, go fishing where you live, go sailing where you live, go fishing where you live, go bird watching where you live, go horseback riding where you live, go kayaking or canoeing where you live, go sailing where you live, go hiking where you live, go camping where you live, go cliff diving where you live. All these activities are great for relieving stress and keeping you in shape while you are high.


Whether you are high and alone at home, in a park, in a car, on the side of the road, or at a friend’s house, there are things you can do to make your time alone more enjoyable and interesting whether you are high or not. Make art, play games, catch up on TV shows, make food, write, take a bath, a shower, go for a walk, go jogging, fishing, sailing, cliff diving, hiking, camping, horseback riding, rock climbing, bird watching, kayaking, canoeing, sailing, cliff diving, run, walk, kayak, or even camping. These are all things that you can do when you’re high and alone. And these come with the bonus of making the time spent alone more enjoyable and interesting. So, when you’re high and alone, make sure you have fun and stay safe! Cheers!

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The New High – 11 Of The Best Activities To do When You’re High & Home Alone (Jan 2, 2017) –

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