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  1. 52394

    Nadia Simons

    This being on of my first times using a cart, the price point is what sold me on this one. I enjoy this cart and have bought a second one, as it hits hard, but is still very reasonable on the wallet. I find the buzz to be a good all around high

  2. 52390

    Nazim Moyer

    This vape cartridge is one of the best I've used. The higher potency makes it a better choice than many other vape cartridges on the market. It provides a nice smooth vapour, and a little goes a long way. Feel more relaxed and happy after using it.

  3. 9984


    Amazing strain!!! Always love anything purple. This one won't dissapoint

  4. 84990

    Stoney McBaked

    This stuff is awsome. All I need is 2-3 hits and I am good for an hour or two.

  5. 42691

    [email protected]

    Just received SC from my first order with BWIB, rolled a joint, smoked half of it and was so impressed with the flavor and the almost instant high that I smoked the other half just to indulge. Great product, almost AAAA!

  6. 46786

    Marcia Christian

    Successfully helps me less tense, and helps me to fall asleep. Helps me refocus after a tough day, or keep my depression in check. A very pleasant taste too.

  7. 46793

    Humza Hurley

    Wow hats off to you guys at Bulkweed. This stuff is perfect !! This is so good for my anxiety and depression

  8. 46791

    Drake Harrell

    These are great, they work amazing for sleep, I always have trouble waking up 3 or 4 times throughout the night. 2 droppers before bed and I sleep right through til morning

  9. 8181

    Ana Lowe

    These are my guys! Love them, so cheap and burn perfectly

  10. 46791

    Kie Croft

    Great quality and great price! Works wonders for my pain and even anxiety. Definitely worth stocking up on.

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