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  1. 320489

    Sian Dominguez

    Super Nice for the price i love it

  2. 280231


    Colours were great but mild experience

  3. 53904


    Great product, definitely recommend

  4. 53904


    These were a lot of fun.

  5. 8165


    Amazing deal

  6. 317156


    The taste you are looking for are from these gummy’s. the taste like 80s-90s candies you would expect the flavour from. high is great too

  7. 321551

    Jennifer Wilson

    Love this brand. The flavours are great and it’s always consistent.

  8. 320500

    Joshua Mercado

    works great calming relaxing and pain but with vape I feel like I’m still getting my treat will definitely order again

  9. 25645


    Great bud at a good value!

  10. 25645


    Great bud for the price!

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